
Case Jolley


March 2017

News Roundup

I researched, wrote, voiced, and mixed this news roundup for BYU-Idaho Radio.

Radio Package

Radio Package I made for BYU-Idaho Radio. I interviewed multiple people, wrote the script, and mixed the tracks.

BYU-Idaho Recreational Sports Events

Some athletes find it difficult to come to BYU-Idaho after playing competitive sports. However, BYU-Idaho provides many opportunities for athletes of every level to compete and play. Recreational Volleyball is just one of the many events provided on campus.

Radio Promo

Radio Promo I wrote, recorded, and mixed for BYU-Idaho Radio.

Radio ID

Radio ID I recorded and mixed for BYU-Idaho Radio.


Commercial for a film class. I wrote, directed, acted in, and co-edited the project.

Jimmy Johns Commercial from Case on Vimeo.

Short Film

This is a short film I wrote, directed, acted in and co-edited for a film class.

Locked Up from Case on Vimeo.

Comm 360: Profile Stephen Mendenhall

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